Wheat production that incorporated long fallowing into the system when there were less than 100 water-nitrogen units at sowing was the most profitable system, increasing average net cash flow by 63% compared to continuous wheat production. A long fallow-wheat rotation was more profitable than a chickpea-wheat rotation when chickpea prices were below $AUD800/t. LAI in APSIM is calculated by simulating the green leaf area per stalk, number of leaves per stalk (maximum of 13 leaves), and area of a single leaf, which is determined by the genotype coefficients of the crop (Keating et al., 1999). Converting 50% of a continuously-cropped wheat farm to fallow increased average annual net cash flow by 44% and decreased the variability of inter-annual profit by 49%. APSIM and CANEGRO simulate LAI using ILA (InmanBamber, 1994a, 1991 Keating et al., 1999) (Table 2). The model performed well in simulating the diversity of cropping systems to which it was applied. MassFX provides tools for creating rigid bodies as well as adjusting their settings and their physical shapes: the objects' representations within the simulation. Assessment was from both crop and soil simulation perspectives, including sequence effects. The technique described in this work has been implemented on a NVIDIA general purpose GPU and has been tested simulating. APSIM outputs were used for whole-farm economic analyses and to assess the returns and risks of each farming system. APSIM was evaluated using an Asian dataset covering 12 countries, numerous soils, crops, and practices. Mariane Henriques França, Flavia Garcia Pereira, Yuan-Pang Wang, Laura Helena Andrade, Jordi Alonso, and Maria Carmen Viana. Two flexible rule-based sequences were also created, where long fallow replaced a crop if plant available water and mineral N thresholds were not met at sowing. 669 Individual and population level estimates of work loss and related economic costs due to mental and substance use disorders in Metropolitan São Paulo, Brazil. Three fixed rotations (continuous wheat, wheat-chickpea and wheat-fallow) were managed as whole-farm systems, with unique soil water-based fertiliser rules for each rotation and a sowing window designed to reflect the improved timeliness of operations associated with reducing cropped area.
The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) was used to model crop production on a hypothetical 4000-ha property over 20 years. This study used whole-farm economics and rule-based crop simulation at a site in the grain-growing Mallee region (300–350 mm annual rainfall) of south-eastern Australia to determine if long fallowing could be used to reduce production risk and maintain profit by reducing input costs. The practice of leaving a paddock out of production for an entire growing season, known as long fallowing, is used to accumulate soil water and mineral nitrogen (N) and break disease cycles in low-rainfall environments where in-crop rainfall is unreliable.